DATE: Customized for you
LIMITATIONS: Only FIVE 1:1 mentoring sessions are available per year.
TIME: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm each day
LOCATION: YOUR studio, your lighting, your equipment, and your studio’s unique layout and challenges.
WHAT’S INCLUDED: Tuition includes 2 full days of instruction starting at 9:00 am each day, Caralee’s actions and learn at home material (videos, editing videos, pdf files and more). Topics covered will be customized to YOUR need and can include studio light, white balance, exposure, camera settings, lens choice, newborn posing and workflow, wrapping workflow, working with children, using color and pattern to create unique imagery, how to make each session special, client communication, marketing, business, organization, EDITING or anything else that you would like to focus on!
WHAT TO HAVE: A DSLR Camera, lenses, something to take notes with, and your list of questions. I shoot a Nikon D3s full frame camera and use these lenses: 24-70mm f/2.8, 50mm f/1.8, 85mm f/1.8, and 70-200mm f/2.8 outdoors only. 1:1 students should be comfortable shooting in manual mode on a DSLR camera and have knowledge of Photoshop CS5 or higher.
TUITION: ~$2800 for TWO full days of 1:1 mentoring at your studio. If we can schedule your 1:1 mentoring before or after one of my traveling workshops, the tuition can be reduced by about $500 since all my airfare costs will be covered by the small group workshop. Tuition is due in full at the time of registration and is not refundable. Or we can customize a payment plan just for you.
REGISTRATION PAGE for all workshops and 1:1 mentoring: http://caraleecasephotography.com/blog/store/workshops-mentoring/
CONTACT: Please contact me if you have any questions about the 1:1 mentoring opportunity! I am happy to answer! I am able to schedule 5 1:1 mentoring sessions per year.
CARALEE’S FACEBOOK PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/CaraleeCasePhotography
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# Option Price Sale Price File Size 1 1:1 Learn on Your Turf MENTORING $2,800.00