Imagine your own images in these cute templates, and the look on your client’s face as you hand over the printed and finished products! 5×7 cards, 5×5 tri-fold cards, and 3×3 mini albums are VERY affordable for you AND your client. They are also great products for clients to show off your photography work and spread your name as they share and show their products with friends and family! What a great marketing tool! Pick up some new templates for 40% off through December 1st, 2023. Use code: 40OFF You can view ALL TEMPLATE PRODUCTS here!
Also…..COMING MONDAY….a brand new template BUNDLE!!!!! This template bundle is epic and includes ALL the new template designs you cannot find in the store, along with a special floral line I’ve designed. For these templates I put together each colorful flower bundle with the props in my studio and photographed them. They are real graphics and look amazing printed!!!! Here is one example of one of the new floral templates:
Aren’t they pretty?!?!?!? I’ve been SO excited to finally share these with you, and you won’t have to pick one or two to try you will get them ALL in the bundle!!!!! If you have questions please feel free to email me: I am always happy to help!!!!!! Enjoy the sale and I’ll send out an update when the new bundle is available for purchase. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!!
With love,